Porphyra nereocystis Porphyra nereocystis is epiphytic (real close neighbor to) on the Bullwhip Kelp, genus name Nereocystis. Porphyra as most know it, is commonly called nori. If you eat sushi, then you have probably seen Porphyra. It’s the seaweed that your uncooked fish is wrapped in at the sushi bars. Porphyra, commonly know as nori, is the most widely consumed seaweed in the world! It’s commonly found in Asian food, especially Japanese food, which has lead to the huge nori industry in Japan. With a very interesting heteromorphic life history, Porphyra has just everything you would want in an alga! And they’re great to eat! Nereocystis luetkeana Otherwise known as the Bullwhip Kelp, Nereocystis is one of the giant kelps that make the great kelp forests, where sea otters and other critters live. Washed up on the beach they may look like dismembered tentacles of mythic sea creatures, or horrendously huge pieces of spaghetti. They have been used to weave baskets and al...