"Can I take your order sir?"...."Sure I'd like a burger, fries and a coke please." Does this sound familiar to you? because it does to me. I can't tell you how many times I've rolled thru a drive thru at my local fast food restaurant and ordered this food, if you want to call it food. But it's really amazing to me how resilient the human body is to be honest. We can really wreck havoc on our entire internal organs for 50, 60 sometimes even 70 years before it starts breaking down. God really is amazing and our bodies truly are like machines. When you take good care of your body (temple) it makes perfect sense that it will serve you for much longer than the normal 60 to 70 years. But when you eat conventional denatured, cooked, chemicalized foods, diseases like cancer , and heart disease become normal. Thank God we are on an entirely different path. There really is no way to 100% completely eliminate toxins from our entering our bodies. It...