" A love of fashion and a passion for designer luxury goods is a key influence in today's youth culture, but these riches comes at a price. WGSN tracks the creative backlash inspired by the iconic Chanel logo.
Young hip labels and individuals are taking the iconic logo of this top fashion house and are creating new and exciting designs by manipulating, reworking and reinventing it - some even go so far as to downright copy it with a hand-drawn DIY attitude to create new lo-fi, one colour iconic tee designs."
(GRAPHICS REPORTS, Trend Flash: DIY Chanel by Alice Clarkson, WGSN 25.03.09)
And (I guess) a FAKE Naco-Paris:
Another Copycat!
You're wondering why some of our prints were cut out of the collection...I tell you that. I got one letter from CHANEL where they told me they weren't so happy about what we were doing. I said I was sorry and that 5preview is so much more. Things moved on and then I got another letter from CHANEL and they weren't so nice anymore so i kind of got it. Basta. No more C:s and no more 5:s cos they got all that shit registered (yep, the number 5 and the number 55, I wonder how other 55-related brands do...).
I'm fine. That was ironic. We got an audience that wore / wears 5preview NOT because some of the prints looks like CHANEL but because it's a TRIBUTE to the french brand, or an ironic statement or I don't know why people liked that stuff so much. (And why the koreans copied US and not Chanel, well, that's another story...)
But lets face it: fake Chanels/fake 5previews/Fake Naco-Paris/fakes in general are out. Soon i'll show you what will be in!
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