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Gold detector | JEOHUNTER 2011 -- 3D | The best detectors for gold | Gold detector made in Turkey

Gold detector | JEOHUNTER 2010 -- 3D | The best detectors for gold | Gold detector radar | Last imaging detector for gold | JEOHUNTER 2011 -- 3D | Detection for gold by advanced imaging radar | Gold detector made in Turkey .

The device works with all types and forms of terrain and all the power and effectiveness and is subject to the experience of practical and realistic device detects the underlying metal in general and to distinguish between them and discover the metal and giving his name directly on the screen and determines the depth that is located by the metal .

Specifications and technologies to Gold detector | JEOHUNTER 2011 -- 3D

* Based imaging radar developed specialized detection for gold and precious metals and treasures and caves

* running quickly scan the delicate checks and scans the ground and depicts with precision and clarity

* Works on the latest software and techniques to give the results of comprehensive and credible

* a specialized system for measuring the depth of the deep with all the accuracy of meter and centimeter

* The ability to store data within the internal memory stores all of photogrammetry that the user depiction up to 20 clear image

* Systems and special software to control a strong voice and control strongly light

* Works on battery 12 volt rechargeable Charger with Power

* Up to a depth of 8 meters under the ground all the goodwill and accuracy * gives the results of a definite up to 100%, after many trials and research

* gives indicators of light and sound and digital and graphic indicate the presence of targets

* The device writes the name of the metal that was detected and photographed in writing at the top of the screen

* Has had many experiences on the device by the factory and on the passage of 16 years before he could release

* New metal detectors of all kinds with clarification on the device software provider

* The main unit of the device consists of a screen computerized color high show and describes device drivers complete and also contain the main unit to all the keys of the settings and operation

* sensitive scanner, a length of 44 centimeter and view the 36 centimeter

* bag to protect the main unit and was able to carry the device easily

* a large bag to contain and store the full equipment
* to ensure the headphones for a period of two years

* Catalogs English and Arabic

* CD instructional methods and functioning

* Turkish Industry

* Gives the clear picture of the goal and format of its kind

* gives indicators of light and sound when a sensor above the target

* gives numerical indicators on the screen indicate the target size, type and name

* a special program to measure the depth of the target after locating him

* graphs show the target and how to put it underground.

Top gold and metal detector


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